Astronomy Galleries
Click on an image for a caption and to see it enlarged. Use the cross icon top right to revert.
M74 The phantom galaxy. It has low surface brightness. Seen here in a fuller frame.
M74 The phantom galaxy. It has low surface brightness.
M82 in Ursa Major. A starburst galaxy with relatively rapid star formation.
M81 and nearby M82 on the same scale.
M82 is a "starburst" galaxy with comparatively rapid star formation.
M81 Bode's galaxy discovered in 1775. It is in Ursa Major.
NGC6946 processed by extracting stars, replaced gently.
NGC6946 processed by extracting stars, replaced strongly.
IC342 star extracted and processed separately stars put back faint.
IC342 star extracted and processed separately stars put back bright.
IC342 stars and nebula processed as one.
M109 a barred spiral galaxy taken in monochrome.
NGC2903 A barred spiral in Leo
M 106 A galaxy showing some detail in Ursa Major
NGC4289 interacting with its neighbour NGC 4302 seen edge on.
A neat face on spiral galaxy at a greater distance than M101
Wide angle view of NGC891
NCG891 taken in close up
IC 239 11th magnitude galaxy
NGC7814 - the little sombrero galaxy
M33 taken with wider angle
M33 Triangulum Galaxy one of our "nearest" neighbours
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy - two gravitationally interacting galaxies
M81 is a grand design spiral galaxy
M95 has a central bar where gravity has caused stars to amass.
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy with an appearance like a Catherine wheel.
NGC7331 showing a number of more distant galaxies to the left.
NGC6946 Fireworks galaxy with enhanced colour
NGC2841 with a nearby red star which is in our galaxy
Two frame mosaic of half of Rosette Nebula
Rosette nebula - about 1/4, centre is top right.
Part of Rosette keeping fewer stars.
Part of Rosette keeping most stars.
Cone nebula - bottom just right of centre
Horsehead retaken for improved definition.
Flame nebula retaken for improved definition.
Dumbbell nebula. The remnants of an exploding start - the white dwarf at the centre.
The Running Man nebula seen near the Great Nebula in Orion
Horsehead nebula and Flame nebula with Alnitak - the left star in Orion's belt.
Orion nebula - One frame made with Trius 35 which gives a large field.
Owl Nebula with a white dwarf at the centre
The Running Man is a reflection nebula embedded is a region of bright nebulae
Horsehead Nebula dark matter obscuring an emission nebula
Dumbbell Nebula - the result of an exploding star
The Crab nebula - result of a supernova explosion but with a neutron star at the centre
Flame Nebula - one of the many nebulae in Orion
Orion Nebula just visible with the naked eye
The Ring nebula with a white dwarf at the centre
Blue Snowball Nebula another exploding star leaving a white dwarf
M3 - one of the brightest globular clusters
M15 more densely packed than M3
Monochrome image with one frame because of cloud arriving.
Full colour image made up of a mosaic of four separate images.
Double cluster in Perseus
Gassendi on the right
Plato near the bottom - it is lava filled
Clavius with an arc of smaller craters inside
Copernicus has bright "rays" from the ejected impact material
A composite of many photos to give a lots of detail
The moon at various phases
A (better) composite of the moon near first quarter (42%) 21-04-19
A composite of the moon waxing gibbous (63%) 21-04-22
Waxing crescent (23%) mosaic of 24 images 21-06-15
A composite of the moon waning gibbous (98%) 21-11-21
A composite of the moon waning gibbous (94%) 21-09-23
Prom at 8.40 23rd June 2021
21 07 14 Prom2 taken at 16_04
21 07 14 Prom 1
Prom at 09.17
21_09_05 Sunspot group and prominence in h-alpha light
21_09_05 sunspot group in white light - previous image is of same area.
21_09_07 Sunspot group in white and h-alpha light. This is the same group as two days earlier.
The Sun 14 March 2022
The Sun 18th March 2022
The Sun 23rd March 2022